The latest news at WNADA - Summer Edition 2024

WNADA • August 9, 2024

Summer 2024

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Thank you for making 2024 another good start to an exceptional year for the West North Avenue Development Authority.  The participation from our community partners has assisted WNADA in many ways.  This season marks the completion of the Comprehensive Revitalization Plan and the successful award of $9.5 million in financial assistance grants to fourteen local businesses.


In this edition of our newsletter, we highlight how our State agency works to ignite hope and inspire economic growth and service.

Our dedicated staff has done an incredible job of expanding our outreach while creating and strengthening our programs and services.  Our ongoing goal is to keep our overhead low while increasing our service in the field and with your help, this is possible. 

Join us as we lift West Baltimore to recognize collective power, the significance of our impact, and the boundless potential that lies ahead. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve, and for your investment, partnership, and collaboration, as we continue to work to build a better future for West Baltimore neighborhoods.

With gratitude,

Chad Williams

Executive Director, WNADA

Legislative Updates

Governor Wes Moore emphasized the focus of a safer, more affordable, and competitive Maryland during the 2024 legislative session as Maryland State Legislators came together to pass a variety of bills pertaining to housing and economic development which included the Governors Housing Package. The package is composed of the Housing Expansion and Affordability Act, the Housing and Community Development Financing Act, and the Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act.

HB538- Housing Expansion and Affordability Act

The Housing Expansion and Affordability Act provides land use, affordable housing, zoning density, and permitting alterations for “qualified projects” to reduce the barriers to increasing housing production in local jurisdictions. It also establishes the position and duties of the Historic Property Revitalization Director at the Department of Housing and Community Development.

HB599- Housing and Community Development Financing Act

The Housing and Community Development Financing Act creates an instrumentality of the State known as the Maryland Community Investment Corporation. It serves as an entity to make investments and provide financial assistance for development by leveraging federal New Markets Tax Credits and expanding the eligible uses of the Strategic Demolition and Smart Growth Impact Fun in the Department of Housing and Community Development.

HB693- Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act

The Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act establishes the Office of Tenant and Landlord Affairs within the Department of Housing and Community Development and requires the Office to develop a Maryland Tenant Bill of Rights. Its establishment seeks to redress Maryland’s high eviction rate while alleviating the challenges that renters may encounter.

Opening Ceremony of The Carlton Apartment Building

The West North Avenue Development Authority awarded Blank Slate a $245,000 capital funding subsidy grant to assist with the restoration and renovation of the vacant, three-story, and formerly abandoned multi-family property in Reservoir Hill.  The “Carlton” is not a 12-unit apartment building.  The grant eliminated the budget gap in the $2.6 million project. To learn more about this project, please visit https://www.carltonreshill.com

WNADA In The News

WNADA will be highlighted in an upcoming PBS documentary.  Our executive director, Chad Williams, was interviewed on the deep-rooted economic effects of Redlining and how WNADA is working to address strategic ways to impact equitable housing, economic, and transportation development positively. The documentary is scheduled to be released in early 2025.

2023-2024 RFQ Awards

The West North Avenue Development Authority Awards $6.1 Million in Financial Assistance Grants to Fourteen Local Businesses.

The West North Avenue Development Authority (WNADA) is proud to announce the grant recipients to receive subsidy for commercial and residential projects, as a result of its 2023 Request for Qualifications (RFQ).  More than 70 responses were received in December 2023 with an interest in working on revitalization projects along the West North Avenue corridor. Thirteen entities were selected to work with WNADA and West Baltimore neighborhoods to support projects focused on the revitalization of the West North Avenue corridor. 

The RFQ was designed to identify qualifying businesses with the experience and interest to redevelop six (6) focus areas along the corridor.  Some of the projects will start immediately, with others being implemented in the coming months.   

NHS of Baltimore - $250,000​

​Rebirth Development - $500,000​

​Coppin Heights CDC - $250,000​

Blank Slate Development LLC - $1,750,000​

BARCO - $2,000,000​

NHS of Baltimore- $250,000​

Charm City Buyers - $250,000​

​Visionary Venture Partnership - $500,000​

NHS of Baltimore- $250,000​

Charm City Buyers - $250,000​

​Visionary Venture Partnership - $500,000​

Baltimore City DHCD - $350,000​

Druid Heights CDC - $650,000​

Baltimore City DHCD - $500,000​

* Special Interest Areas​ *

Public Safety​: Frontline Property Management - $350,000

Multifamily Student Housing​: ​H&H Development - $750,000

Neighborhood Preservation:

 NHS of Baltimore - $500,000

 Druid Heights CDC - $100,000

Public Transit Services

The Graham Project  -  $100,000

 Midtown Baltimore  -  $250,000

Green Space Improvements

Tree Planting on West North Avenue

Stockton Street Park

Cab Calloway Park

Herbert Street Park

Wilbur H. Waters

Easterwood Park Redevelopment

Open Works West – Coming Soon to West North Avenue

WNADA provided a discretionary grant of $25,000 to fund the Open Work’s pilot program at the Coppin State University’s Business School.  Additionally, the WNADA board approved awarding $750,000 to the Open Works and The Baltimore Arts Realty Corporation (BARCO) partnership to build the Open Works West facility at the Walbrook Mill site (2600 block of W. North Avenue).

The Open Works in West Baltimore location was an idea from Senator Antonio Hayes.  The collaboration with Coppin State University’s Center for Strategic Entrepreneurship, BARCO, and WNADA will bring the first maker-space partnership to West Baltimore. 

To learn more, please visit https://www.openworksbmore.org/


Exciting Projects 

West North Avenue SMART Intersection Project 

WNADA is partnering with the National Transportation Center at Morgan State University to install SMART Intersection technology at 5 locations along West North Avenue. These SMART Intersections include a suite of sensors that monitor interactions between vehicles and vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, disabled persons, scooters, and cyclists. 

The anonymous data collected provides invaluable insight into travel patterns such as: how pedestrians cross streets or access transit stops information on “close calls” between road users and vehicles, and traffic violation rates. WNADA and its partner agencies will use this information to improve the corridor’s safety and accessibility. Over time, the data will be used to evaluate pre- and post-development changes and provide multi-modal traffic volume data to attract new investment around these high-volume areas. 


Safety & Accessibility Demonstration Intersection 

WNADA is partnering with Graham Projects to design and install safety, accessibility, and placemaking amenities along West North Avenue. Starting with the W. North & Druid Hill Avenue Intersection, this demonstration project will be the first re-designed intersection to improve pedestrian visibility, transit accessibility, restriping crosswalks, street artwork, and more. More information will be shared publicly once the project is designed and receives the appropriate permits from Baltimore City. Stay tuned for more information about the community design and installation process! 

Bikemore’s Mobile Bike Shop is offering free bike repair services in Druid Hill Park from 4-7 pm every Thursday (weather dependent)! Pedal by to say hello or receive free assistance with your bicycle. 

Transport Economics Fast Facts! 

Did you know not all transportation modes provide the same economic outcomes?  Projects that improve walking, biking, and moving actively using assistive devices cost 75 percent less to build per mile compared to typical, car-focused transportation projects, they also can bring a broad range of economic benefits... 

Business Development Program

The business development program is voluntary to help small- to medium-sized businesses within Baltimore City with their business health by providing workshops, seminars, and application-assistance classes. The goal is to provide local businesses with growth strategies, financial literacy, and networking opportunities to help facilitate and maintain business health. More information will be shared soon. 

Business Resources

List of Services

"This is a down payment on growth and economic development for the communities in West Baltimore to shape their own destiny.”​

 – Governor Wes Moore

RFQ 202

The West North Avenue Development, on behalf of Governor Moore, sponsored by Senator Hayes and chaired by Dr. Jenkins, is releasing $9.5 million of grants to make that investment in the economic, housing, transportation, and green space revitalization of West Baltimore.

Growing a Tree Canopy in Commercial Areas Along the West North Avenue Corridor

Trees can improve air quality and help battle climate change.  Trees along the corridor also promote a vibrant commercial district and encourage the economic success of neighborhood businesses. WNADA, in partnership with Parks and People and DSO Contractors, has planted 150 trees to date and will complete the plantings this summer.

On Saturday, May 4, volunteers from the community joined WNADA for a tree-planting event.

WNADA Meets with Small Developers

July 11, 2024

WNADA had the opportunity to present to and network with the Baltimore Small Developer Collective, the Voice of the Small Developer.

Our executive director, Chad Williams, shared an overview of the West North Avenue Development Authority's work and the exciting opportunity to collaborate with individual home renovators and small community developers.

We appreciate the opportunity and thank everyone who attended the presentation. Your presence and engagement were invaluable to us.

WNADA Participates in the 4th International Placemaking Week

The West North Avenue Development Authority (WNADA) joined public space leaders worldwide today at the 4th International Placemaking Week event in Baltimore.

The WNADA panel: "83 to Hilton - Restorative Justice with Food and You" was a dynamic and fruitful discussion, bringing together The Urban Oasis, The No Boundaries Coalition, and The Fresh Food Factory panelists in a powerful display of collaboration.

Special thanks to
the Neighborhood Design Center Design Center for co-hosting this great opportunity.

WNADA had the opportunity to present to and network with the Baltimore Small Developer Collective, the Voice of the Small Developer.

Our executive director, Chad Williams, shared an overview of the West North Avenue Development Authority's work and the exciting opportunity to collaborate with individual home renovators and small community developers.

We appreciate the opportunity and thank everyone who attended the presentation. Your presence and engagement were invaluable to us.

Thanks to the
Center for Urban Families for providing a beautiful event space.

The West North Avenue Development Authority (WNADA), a State of Maryland economic development agency for Baltimore City. The agency was established to create a comprehensive plan for housing, economic, transportation, and neighborhood development along West North Avenue between 600 - 3200 Block, defined as the Target Area, and 250 yards surrounding the Target Area, defined as the Buffer Zone.

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